28 Ağustos 2007 Salı

impossible paint...

26 Ağustos 2007 Pazar

25 Ağustos 2007 Cumartesi

Robot walks on water

(Left) Photo of the water strider insect. (Right) Photo of the 1-gram robot on the surface of the water. A, B, C, D: supporting legs; E and F: actuating legs; G: body with on-board electronics and power source; H: middle actuator; I and J: right and left actuators. Image credit: Yun Seong Song and Metin Sitti. ©IEEE 2007.

Water striders, insects that walk on the surface of the water, may never set foot on land in their lives, and yet they’re not swimmers. Over the past million or so years, this insect—sometimes called a water skater—has optimized its use of surface tension to balance its 0.01-gram body on lakes, ponds, and even oceans.

Researchers Yun Seong Song, a PhD student in mechanical engineering, and Metin Sitti, assistant professor in mechanical engineering, both from Carnegie Mellon University, have recently built a robot that mimics the water strider’s natural abilities. The first water striding robot, with an appearance and design closely resembling its insect counterpart, doesn’t ever break the surface tension of the water, and is highly maneuverable.

Song and Sitti’s small robot is different from other floating robots in that its small mass and long legs enable it to utilize the surface tension force to stay afloat. In contrast, macroscale bodies must rely on buoyancy, which is based on their large volumes. The researchers predict that such a robot might be used for environmental monitoring via wireless communication, as well as for educational and entertainment purposes.

“Water strider robots—we call them STRIDEs (Surface Tension Robotic Insect Dynamic Explorer)—can walk on water only 3-4 mm deep (shallow water),” Sitti explained to PhysOrg.com. “Their power efficiency and agility (speed and maneuverability) are much superior for relatively small water vehicles since the STRIDE legs have much less drag than any buoyancy based robot.”

Of course, as Sitti explained, this advantage is eliminated when the STRIDE becomes meter-scale, since surface tension force scaling is not favorable at large scales.

From models and calculations, the researchers found that an optimal robot would have hydrophobic wire legs coated with Teflon, each 5 cm long. Twelve of these legs attached to the 1-gram body of the robot could support a payload of up to 9.3 grams in their experiments. The key to avoiding the breaking of the water surface is in maintaining a water-air interface that is more horizontal than vertical.

For locomotion, the water strider insect creates a sculling motion with specialized sculling legs. The robot functions the same way. Three piezoelectric actuators, when attached to the legs in a T shape, create both vertical and horizontal motion to cause the elliptical sculling motion required to move.

Because the piezoelectric actuators provided only a small deflection, an amplifier was needed to create large strokes. To achieve this, the researchers used a resonant frequency with a vibration mode favorable to generating the sculling motion to drive the actuators. While a water strider insect can move at speeds of up to 1.5 m/s, the first robot still achieved a forward speed of 3 cm/s, and could also turn, rotate and move backwards.

Currently, rough water may present a hazard to the robot striders. However, Sitti hoped that by improving the lift capability and water sealing of the current STRIDE, the robot would be able to withstand waves and storms.

Song and Sitti are working on other ways to improve the robot in future prototypes. For example, the T-shape actuator mechanism accounts for more than half the weight of the robot, which could possibly be hindering the robot’s speed.

In a more recent prototype, for instance, the researchers designed a STRIDE that used two battery-powered micromotors to walk on water. Although this set-up had an increased mass of 6 grams, the robot also achieved an increased speed of 8.7 cm/s. The group plans to continue experimenting with different options.

“STRIDE is 10-15 times slower than the insect, since the current prototype is almost 10 times larger than the insect,” Sitti explained. “Therefore, we would miniaturize the STRIDE more. Moreover, we are integrating wireless communication, sensors, and teleoperated and autonomous control capability to the new STRIDE prototypes. Thus, we could deploy tens or hundreds of these robots to the water surface for environment monitoring.”

Citation: Song, Yun Seong, and Sitti, Metin. “Surface-Tension-Driven Biologically Inspired Water Strider Robots: Theory and Experiments.” IEEE Transactions on Robotics, Vol. 23, No. 3, June 2007.

Zed's dead baby, Zed's dead.

24 Ağustos 2007 Cuma

ÖZEL yapım bir ıntruder

FİYATI: 10.000 YTL

İlan Tarihi: 14-08-2007
Marka: Suzuki
Model: VL 1400 Intruder
Tipi: Chopper / Cruiser
Motor Hacmi: 601 - üstü
Renk: Sarı
KM: 26000
Yıl: 1991
Durumu: İkinci El

Daha fazla ayrıntı için TIKLAYINIZ.

23 Ağustos 2007 Perşembe

Where have all the dolphins gone?

Scientists ask: Where have all the dolphins gone? from PhysOrg.com

Sightings by marine scientists of dolphins in the north Atlantic's Bay of Biscay have dropped off by 80 percent compared to the same period in 2006, a wildlife conservation group said Wednesday.


21 Ağustos 2007 Salı


FİYATI: 33.850 €

İstanbul (Avrupa Yakası) / Maslak

İlan Tarihi: 20-08-2007
Marka: Harley-Davidson
Model: Softail Custom FXSTC
Tipi: Chopper / Cruiser
Motor Hacmi: 601 - üstü
Silindir Sayısı: Çift Silindir
Renk: Çift Renk
KM: 0
Yıl: 1998
Durumu: İkinci El
Kimden: Sahibinden

Daha fazla ayrıntı, bilgi ve resim için TIKLAYINIZ.

14 Ağustos 2007 Salı

Yakında benim olacaksın :)


1st semester pics


İlk önce biraz Myrtle Beach fotoları sonra o muhteşem CHOPPERları görebilirsiniz.

Myrtle Beach 2007

13 Ağustos 2007 Pazartesi


Cogu yazilarda chopper ve cruiser tabirleri karistiriliyor, ve cruiser lara yanlislikla chopper deniyor.

Chopper, Amerikalilarin II dunya savasinda avrupada hafif kivrak hizli motorlari gormesinden sonra, savas sonrasi yurtlarina donuklerinde kendi agir-hantal motosikletlerini kesip kirpip (chop edip) hafifletmesi ile baslayan bir akimdir. Daha sonra bu is buyuk-kucuk atolyelerde gelismis ve artik tamamen "kisisellestrilimis" "özgun" hale getirlimis, yada bu sekilde sifirdan yapilmis motosikletlere chopper denilmeye baslanmistir.

Chopper in esi benzeri ve herhangi bir markasi yoktur. Ozelligi her chopper in dunyada bir tane olmasidir. Cruiser motorlarla karistirmamak lazim. Burasi bir motosiklet sitesi olmakla beraber bu konudaki bilgiyi yaymaya calisma gibi bir misyonumuzda var biliyorsunuz. O yuzden dogrusunu bilelim, dogrusunu kullanalim. Bilmeyene ogretelim, uyaralim.

Haydi Turkiyede chopper yok diye bir miktar rahatiz ama olacaktir...

Ornegin bu alttaki resimde gordugunuz butun modeller "cruiser" dir. Seri imalat, Victory marka.

Oysa ki bu altta gordukleriniz "Chopper" dir. Tamamen sahsa mahsus, ozel imalatlardir. Aynisindan dunyada iki tane yoktur.

Bu mudur? BUDUR... :)

12 Ağustos 2007 Pazar


interesting crazy chopper...


Ferrari Formula One Team Racecar Chopper

Choppers are not our specialty here but this Ferrari inspired Schumacher Tribute Chopper is a bit different. It’s powered by a Triumph 955 triple which is fully enclosed by the Ferrari F1 style bodywork.

It’s for sale over on ebay and they have a video showing it running around a bit. The music drowns out the sound of the bike, but what you do hear isn’t your normal chopper sound and it would probably run away from most choppers in a straight line, but I think I would slow way down for the turns. No F1 handling here! Different and interesting in its own way.

OCC Tour Photos

Orange County Choppers

OCC Bikes


American Chopper with Joan Jett